Today was the big announcement we have all been waiting for from President Trump. It was everything I hoped it wouldn't be. My hope was that he declare a state of emergency, end the shutdown and just start building the wall. My fear was that he would allow a million illegal immigrants to stay in a show of good faith, propose a boatload of money for "high-tech" monitoring of our southern border (which means someone is going to get insanely rich from integrating a system no one is going to use) and probably a very small portion of the border wall that would not be concrete, or beautiful.
I regret to inform you that what I feared was what we got. Fox News reported:
"Trump announced that he was prepared to back a three-year extension of protections for 700,000 immigrants who came to the country illegally as children and were shielded from deportation under the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. This, in exchange for the $5.7 billion he has requested for a barrier on the southern border with Mexico.
"Walls are not immoral," he said, adding that a wall "will save many lives and stop drugs from pouring into our country."
"This is not a concrete structure from sea to sea," he said, addressing some previously expressed concerns about the so-called "wall." "These are steel barriers in high-priority locations."
The offered deal would also extend protections for 300,000 recipients of the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) program -- which protects immigrants from designated countries with conditions that prevent nationals from returning safely."
Just in case you weren't counting that is 1,000,000 illegal aliens that get to stay.
As a conservative voter you know the $ell out occurs is real when Senator Lindsey Graham weighs in and states:
"Fantastic proposal Mr. President. Let's get it done"
The confirmation that the $ell out is real is when Senator Mitch McConnell invokes the term "compromise" by stating:
“Compromise in divided government means that everyone can’t get everything they want every time," McConnell said in a statement. "The President’s proposal reflects that. It strikes a fair compromise by incorporating priorities from both sides of the aisle."
This single quote is what inspired me to create and utilize the Jim Vance meme at the top of the page. While everyone is praising Trump and assuring me that the Democrats won't accept the proposed deal (and that Trump will come out smelling like a rose), the fact remains the President has committed a strategic error by deciding to fight this battle on the enemy's terms. Which means losing, which I find intolerable.
Clint Lacy is the author of "Blood in the Ozarks: Union War Crimes Against Southern Sympathizers in Missouri" and "A Truthseeker's Guide to False Flags"
Clint Lacy is the author of "Blood in the Ozarks: Union War Crimes Against Southern Sympathizers in Missouri" and "A Truthseeker's Guide to False Flags"
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