WREG News Channel 3 (Memphis , Tennessee) is reporting : Photo credit: WREG News 3 "Laurin Stennis’ flag design has gained so much popularity that even those who order the flag want her autograph. She matched the colors exactly to the United States flag. “I think those are wonderful colors and the symbolism is meaningful, but also this is a strong standalone but when you pair it with the United States flag they make a handsome couple,” said Stennis. Nineteen stars circle around a large star, which represents Mississippi as the 20th state to join the Union in 1817. The large star is called Bonnie Blue. Stennis had some help producing the flags with Complete Flag Source. To date, well over 2,000 Stennis flags have been sold." According to the report Stennis' asks: "Is our logo doing it’s job? I would argue absolutely not because every time it comes up we fight about and we get tense.” Okay, where to start? WREG reports that the flag is...

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