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Revealed: SPLC Co-Founder Accused of Trying to Molest Step-Daughter

SPLC Co-Founder Accused of Trying to Molest Step-Daughter with Sex Toy
Southern Poverty Law Center Founder Morris Dees Tried to Molest Step-Daughter

Chances are that if you're reading this you have heard of The Southern Poverty Law Center. The non for profit legal organization that has provided information to law enforcement and is a "go to" source of information by almost every reporter that encounters a "controversial" story.

Widely known for its defense of Civil Rights the SPLC has filled its coffers defending the oppressed and exposing hate-groups, at least that is how the organization wants to be perceived. The reality is that the SPLC has made their millions by twisting the facts. They would have the public believe there is a Klansman hiding behind every tree and a Nazi at every podium. 

I once found myself in their crosshairs by proposing to hoist a Missouri Battle Flag at the grave of Missouri Confederate Colonel William Jeffers in Jackson, Missouri. The ironic thing about their opposition to this "hate-crime"is the fact that after the war, Jeffers formed a militia to combat the Klan.

I documented the whole ordeal in an article entitled "Battle at Jackson: How One Town's City Council Turned its Back on Heritage and Bowed to Left-Wing Radicals" .  The SPLC submitted a Letter to the Editor to the Southeast Missourian newspaper, part of which read , "The Jackson Board of Aldermen may want to know that the League of the South, which is asking the board to display a Confederate battle flag in the city cemetery, is listed as a white supremacist hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center."

See how this works?

Another Southeast Missourian newspaper article carried the news that the City Council decided against my proposal:

"Apparently, Lacy’s words didn’t convince the council.

On Wednesday, Sander said he didn’t think any of the council members wanted to bring the matter to a vote, meaning the issue is in something of a coma — not dead, but not going anywhere.

Four people, including two representatives from the Veterans of Foreign Wars, spoke in opposition of the request Monday night. Sander said the board had concerns about setting a precedent and opening up the cemetery to all sorts of flags. He also said that there was no support offered from Jackson residents."

This of course was a lie. In a phone call prior to the SPLC's letter Sanders had told me that he had received a lot of feedback about my proposal and that it was a 50/50 split from residents for and against. I would also like to add that four people attending the meeting expressed opposition to my proposal, a far cry from "no support from Jackson".

This was in 2005 and I remember very clearly warning the Council that the SPLC and their Left-Wing allies would not stop at destroying Southern history and that despite the fact the city was named after President Andrew Jackson (who presided over the mass Native-American removal known as the Trail of Tears) the City's local school sports teams were named the Jackson Indians. 

In addition I also read facts from the "Morris Dees Fact Sheet" so they would be forewarned about who they were allying themselves with. Some of the more interesting facts include:
  • Taking money from the Ku Klux Klan in 1961 for defense of a client that beat "Freedom Riders" as they got off the bus.
  • Arrested and removed from court in 1975 for attempting to suborn perjury [bribing a witness] in the Joan Little murder trial in North Carolina. Little, a black convict, was accused of killing a prison guard with an icepick . The felony charge against Dees was subsequently dropped, but the presiding judge, Hamilton Hobgood, refused to re-admit Dees to the case. The refusal was upheld on appeal after the Supreme Court of the United States refused to hear Dees appeal. [Ibid.
  •  Dees was cited in 1979 by his ex-wife with a homosexual encounter during their marriage. She also cited numerous affairs with women including his daughter-in-law and underage stepdaughter. [Alabama Court of Civil Appeals CIV 2114, 1979]
My warning to the City Council fell on deaf ears during the kangaroo court environment.  Now comes stunning news about the details involving Dees' attempted molestation of his (then) 18 year old step-daughter. The following was first released by BIG LEAGUE POLITICS and republished by Red Ice TV: 

"A recently-uncovered court document from the divorce proceedings of a prominent Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) figure alleges horrific conduct on behalf of one of the most influential lawyers in America.

Maureene Dees, ex-wife of SPLC co-founder Morris Dees filed for divorce on March 8, 1979 after a decade-long marriage marred by difficulties, according to an appellant brief obtained by Big League Politics. The brief was filed by Maury Smith, Julia S. Waters and Charles M. Crook, attorneys for Maureene, in the Alabama Court of Civil Appeals:

According to court testimony, among other perverted sexual behavior, Dees attempted to molest his 18-year-old step-daughter with a sex toy. Holly Buck was Maureene Dees’ daughter from a previous marriage.

“Holly testified that, in the summer of 1977, Morris attempted to molest her in the following incident: One night Maureene and Morris were sitting drinking wine and discussing a case Morris was trying,” the brief says. “[Holly] was with them. Around eleven or twelve o’clock, Maureene went to bed and Holly stayed up with Morris discussing the case. Morris kept offering Holly wine, some of which she accepted.”

Holly testified that she declined, choosing to go to bed instead.

“She went to her room and then went into the bathroom,” the document says. “Looking out the window, she saw Morris in the bushes beside the bathroom window looking in. She said ‘Morris, is that you’, but he said nothing and ran away.”

Two months later, things got worse.

“[M]orris entered [Holly’s] room from [Morris and Maureene’s daughter Ellie’s] room, through the bathroom, the document says. “He was in his underwear and he sat on the bed where Holly was lying on her stomach facing away from the door. He touched her on the back and woke her up. He told her that he had brough [sic] her a present, and he presented her with a vibrator. He plugged it in and said he had brought it to her. He proceeded to rub it on her back and said ‘Let me show you how to use it.'”

According to Holly’s testimony, she declined, but Morris proceeded anyway.

“[H]e started to place it between he [sic] legs when she raised her voice and said no loudly,” according to the brief.

He was wearing only a pair of bikini underwear shorts during the incident, according to Holly.
“About two hours later, she had fallen back asleep and he came back in,” the brief says. “He brought the vibrator with him, plugged it in and said again, ‘Let me show you how to use it.’ He tried to show her again by putting it between her legs, but she raised her voice again and he stopped. He took it and left.”

This is the predator that municipalities, law enforcement and news outlets have allied themselves with. The guy who has been warning them about non-existent bogeymen (and by bogeymen I mean those who do not align with Dees and his SPLC radical leftist agenda).

But should we really be surprised?  Questions have been raised in regard to high ranking government officials who were either the involved in or covered up investigations into pedophelia rings. In a November 16, 2017 broadcast NBC news reported of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's role in shutting down an investigation of an elite pedophile ring.

Then there were the released Wikileaks emails that are particularly damning and link Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and a myriad of other Liberal elitists talking in code which indicates pedophelia and occultism. 

There is an agenda within an agenda. Men like Morris Dees and organizations like the SPLC attack Conservatives (Southerners in particular) because they are followers of tradition and moral standards they are the barrier who present an opposition to the Leftist agenda which seeks to normalize everything that isn't good , decent and and innocent. In the process they have made millions of dollars by duping municipalities , law enforcement and media outlets into believing that Conservatives are a hate-filled people who must be watched, scrutinized and scorned.


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