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He appeared on a recent episode of Coast2Coast am with host George Noory , Jones states that he now believes the attacks on September 11, 2001 were caused by a government "stand down" order which allowed Saudi hijackers to carry out their missions.
The problem with this is that Jones made his video documentary "9-11 Road to Tyranny" so well that it is preposterous to believe that the attacks were successful merely because of a government "stand down" order.
Perhaps he has changed his position on subjects such as the September 11-2001 attacks or the 2012 Sandy Hook school shootings because of the lawsuits he is now fighting of the latter subject.
Another reason could be because of his 2015 divorce from ex-wife Kelly Jones. The "ex" Mrs. Jones has been making the rounds on the talk show and podcast circuit. I recently listened to an interview in which John Barbour 's guest was Kelly Jones. During the course of this interview she accuses her ex-husband of abusive behavior, being a narcissist , a "free speech" hypocrite and marrying an escort and that is just the tip of the iceberg.
Kelly Jones also states:
"I was very unhappy I think from.. what the moment that I was in his isolation / grasp" and "I was pregnant , I didn't want to do anything but bring this child into the world, so I married Alex".
Kelly Jones is telling the truth about Alex Jones "walking back" some of his earlier beliefs, she is probably even right when she says he's a narcissist and adulterous but there are many things that don't add up in regard to her and the divorce.
For instance , early in the interview she states that her mother was an atheist but later in the interview she states she relied on her faith to get her through the divorce. When Barbour questioned her on this she states, "I'm a Christian believer. I believe in God", which seems very disingenuous when listening to the way she says it, very nonchalant.
When you visit her website CustodyWars.Com you get the feeling maybe her motives are not genuine. For starters, the title of the site Custody Wars , sounds a lot like Info Wars; Does it not?. Then when you start digging into the info of the site more alarm bells go off.
Click on the "Appeal Archives" tab of her site and you will find the following statements:
"Kelly Jones’ custody case appeal: Jury for Kelly, Judge left kids primarily w Alex despite abuse, negligence. Alex Jones will not stop abusing the process and litigating against Kelly. Civil and human rights violations."
The judge gave primary custody to her ex-husband, despite her claim of abuse and negligence. This sounds very much like the judge did not believe her allegations, so she is now claiming Human and Civil Rights violations.
During her interview with John Barbour she cites the fact that Alex Jones has been deplatformed on social media sites like YouTube but when you go to her site you see she has a link for visitors to petition YouTube to "Define Your Policies Regarding the Alex Jones Channel and Defamation." The petition, in case you were wondering, was started on March 29, 2018
Click on the "Breaking News" tab on her website and you'll see a link to an "Open Letter to YouTube with Evidence of Fake News".
Click on the "About " tab of her website and you will see Kelly Jones plea for donations which states "Kelly spent all her liquid assets and was financially devastated in the Jury trial that culminated with her victory. Kelly Jones is Pro Se (or self-represented) in her Federal Appeal and Tort case. If 100,000 people donated $5 dollars, Kelly would be able to fully fund her injury lawsuit and #unpluginfowars when she prevails."
Personally I find it hard to listen to Alex Jones' "over the top" rants now a days. It's not that I don't like him, it just makes me anxious now (maybe because I'm getting older).
The one thing I have noticed is that while he occasionally mentions having to go to court for things like custody battles , I've rarely heard him attacking his ex-wife personally or give any great details of the custody battles.
If Kelly Jones motives were pure, would she really have tried to hire Stormy Daniels' lawyer Michael Avenatti in June, 2018? Yes Kelly Jones tried to hire Stormy Daniels lawyer. An article posted on the Law and Crime website reports that Avenatti confirmed this in a Twitter post on June 15, 2018.
If you're a mother concerned about your children and the affect of being in the public eye has on them, you do not attempt to hire Stormy Daniels' lawyer. Jones' second wife might have been a former escort but in my opinion it is the ex- Mrs. Jones who is currently trying to prostitute herself through her actions.
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