Do you use Facebook? You know, that social networking miracle that is supposed to help us stay in touch with friends and family and maybe make more friends in the process. If you are a Facebook user chances are you've joined a few groups. If you have than there is an even greater chance you've ran into a few "control freaks". I communicated with a "control freak" today. This individual runs a Civil War group on Facebook, and I have shared my articles numerous times there with no problems, until today. I shared a new article in the group and as with all of my articles , there is a link to purchase my book, "Blood in the Ozarks: Expanded Second Edition." Most groups have some type of "no selling" clause in their rules, but generally speaking, if you have taken the time to research and write something of historical significance and have a link to your book in the article, it's not considered an act of "selling" because it ...

It's here! " A Truthseeker's Guide to False Flags" is available for purchase. Have you ever wondered about the motivations behind America's biggest events? My new book will take you on a journey from America's Revolution to the 2016 Presidential Election. Order your copy today by clicking on the "Truthseeker's Guide to False Flags" tab below.