Confederate Monument, Higginsville, Missouri. The following is response to Al Benson's latest article "Sometimes Even the Well Intentioned Get it Wrong". It is an open letter to Al and let me be clear, a man I highly respect and appreciate. The matter at hand is that my "beef" is not with Mr. Benson but a greater problem at large. The "Deep South's" constant labeling Missouri a "Union" state. Missouri seceded and gave heavily to "The Cause", perhaps in some ways more than any other. Al sir, While I have much respect for you I find myself in the EXACT same position that you have towards the Infowars article. I feel you have good intentions with this article BUT as a Missourian with Kentucky roots I have to take issue with the fact that you make the same mistake that many in the “Deep South” make. That mistake is lumping Missouri,, Kentucky & Maryland together as Southern beliefs but loyal to the Union. Maryland...

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