Bill Hicks / Alex Jones So this theory has been around for a while and I've never given it much thought. The theory is that comedian Bill Hicks (who died at age 32) faked his own death , and reemerged as a "character" he created named Alex Jones, an alternative media giant who started out on cable access tv and later created his own empire. Those that believe this theory also believe that Jones is "controlled opposition" used by the government to manipulate the masses. I'll get to that part later in the post. For now I would like to concentrate on the Hicks / Jones theory. Those who believe in the theory note the fact of how much Hicks and Jones resemble each other, Jones appeared after Hicks died, and that both Hicks and Jones were friends with Kevin Booth of Austin , Texas. It's a lot to go into but readers can view a 33 minute video which goes into all the details. The video is convincing enough that even I wonder if Alex Jones is really Bil...

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