THE USS LIBERTY ATTACKED BY ISRAEL JUNE 8, 1967 The subject of the USS LIBERTY has been so censored and so ignored by the media that few people have heard of of the event. Lyndon Johnson owed a lot of favors to those who put him in power. The F.B.I. , the C.I.A. , elements of the Mafia and last but not least, the nation of Israel. No proof can be more convincing of Lyndon Johnson’s debt he owed to Israel than the sinking of the U.S.S. Liberty. On June 8, 1967 the U.S.S. Liberty was attacked by elements of the Navy and Airforce of Israel. The ship was in international waters and contained no armaments , it was an intelligence gathering ship. The Liberty was under surveillance for 9 hours by Israeli aircraft and radar, they knew the Liberty was a United States ship. In fact, there is no way that they could not know it was a U.S. vessel. With full knowledge that the Liberty was an American ship, Israel attacked the Liberty killing 34 U.S. sailors and injuring 174. More informati...

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