We here it all the time, calls for "balance", in newspapers and television. We've all heard that "one" cable news network's slogan of "Fair and Balanced" but are they? Trick question. The answer is "no" they are not and neither is any other newspaper outlet, television news organization or talk radio host. Everyone has their biases and the only time we really here about bias is when someone from "the other side" says something we don't agree with. I've recently received a lot of good feedback from the release of my new Kindle eBook "Blood in the Ozarks: Union War Crimes Against Southern Sympathizers and Civilians in Occupied Missouri." There have been a few people who gave some negative feedback upon the Kindle release of the book. One person had some criticism of "What the hell do you mean occupied? Missouri was a divided state." I guess it all depends on how you look at it. Was it ...

It's here! " A Truthseeker's Guide to False Flags" is available for purchase. Have you ever wondered about the motivations behind America's biggest events? My new book will take you on a journey from America's Revolution to the 2016 Presidential Election. Order your copy today by clicking on the "Truthseeker's Guide to False Flags" tab below.